Cancer Stem Cells Hint at Cure


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Sep 21, 2004
by Kristen Philipkoski

Researchers have discovered cells that continually replenish leukemia tumors. Killing these infinitely renewing cells could be key to halting the disease.

A genetic mutation causes the leukemia cells to divide out of control and allows tumors to grow, according to research published in the Aug. 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Previously, no one knew the exact identity of these cells.

Isolating these so-called cancer stem cells paves the way for creation of drugs to target them. Specifically destroying leukemia's stem cells -- the source of the cancer -- could eliminate the disease better than treatments that randomly kill cancer cells.

The work provides opportunities for pharmaceutical companies to investigate drugs that could inhibit the development of cancer stem cells, said Irving Weissman, a stem-cell researcher at Stanford who contributed to the study.

The study focused on the stem cells that lead to chronic myelogenous leukemia. In recent years, researchers have discovered several similar stem cells, including those behind acute myeloma leukemia, two brain cancers and breast cancer. Finding cancers' stem cells is a rapidly growing area of research, Weissman said, and it will be a main focus of the Institute of Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, which he heads at Stanford. The institute was established in December 2002 through an anonymous $12 million donation.

Cancer stem cells make up only a tiny number of the total cancer cells in a leukemia patient, which makes the cells next to impossible to find. In order to grow a larger number of them, the researchers took samples from healthy patients and from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. They separated the various types of leukemia cancer cells into separate dishes to find which ones could replenish themselves -- an indication that they are likely cancer stem cells. Further tests confirmed they had found the cells they were looking for.

The promise of this line of research can only be realized, Weissman said, by studying adult stem cells as well as embryonic stem cells, which are controversial because an early embryo is destroyed when researchers remove stem cells from it. While in this study volunteers could provide samples, that won't be the case for all types of disease. An alternative is to take the stem cells from embryos that carry a genetic defect for specific diseases.

"There are whole areas of tissues you can't get at, but which human embryonic stem cells almost certainly will develop daily," Weissman said.

Scientists at the Reproductive Genetics Institute, a private clinic in Chicago, are also studying stem cells to discover the origins of disease. They have isolated 12 new stem-cell lines from genetically flawed human embryos, providing stem cells that will specifically develop seven diseases, including two forms of muscular dystrophy, thalassemia, Fanconi anemia, fragile X syndrome, Marfan syndrome and a type of neurofibromatosis. Couples undergoing in vitro fertilization donated the embryos after the clinic performed prenatal genetic screening.

The Chicago clinic funded the research privately. President Bush declared on Aug. 9, 2001, that only research on existing stem-cell lines would qualify for federal funding. He said at the time that 64 stem-cell lines were available. Today, the National Institutes of Health lists 21 lines that are available for federal funding.

Sep 21, 2004
Two aspirin and an abortion will cure a headache

If medical research was a building, stem cell research would be the plane that flew into it.

Twelve years ago I had a discussion with a man who's daughter had juvenile diabetes. He explained to me that the cure for diabetes was only 2-4 years away. The only thing standing in the way was George Bush Sr. and his opposition to abortion research.

It's 12 years later and the cure is nowhere in sight, but the con-job is still in full force.

Stem cell research has become the modern day equivalent of Snake Oil. It will supposedly cure everything - cancer, altzhemiers, name name it.. stem cell reseach cures it.

The sinister truth about stem cells has been verified in every study conducted but has been conveniently ignored by the media -

After a year or more almost every victim of stem cell research is worse off than before their so-called "treatment".
20% of all lab rats injected with embryonic stem cells develop brain tumors.

A few quotes -

A clinical trial was done by Dr. Freed and colleagues in which 19 patients received cells derived from 4 different fetuses from abortions at 7-8 weeks after conception. The patients that were under 60 years showed about a 28% improvement in the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). However, about 15% of these patients showed devastating deterioration at 1 year after treatment that was believed to result from cellular overgrowth. In another clinical trial for Parkinson's disease using embryonic tissue (kept in cold media until transplant), similar results were obtained but the rapid deterioration in some patients was believed to be from rejection of the foreign cells/tissue derived from embryo or fetus . 7. Terrible catastrophes using embryonic/fetal stem cells are also observed in animal experiments. In an animal model of Parkinson's disease, rats injected with embryonic stem cells showed a slight benefit in about 50% of the rats, but one-fifth (20%) of the rats died of brain tumors caused by the embryonic stem cells .

This was confirmed in another similar study conducted by a different group of researchers who also found tumor formation in about 20% of the rats.

Here is a direct quote from another study -

Fahn concluded, "We've established the proof of principle, that bradykinesia and rigidity can be helped with surgery. However, we did not anticipate these "runaway dyskinesias," and if I knew they were going to occur, I would not have done the study. Until we can figure out how to prevent or control them in animal studies, I can't recommend this procedure."

The real crime is that legitimate research is not being funded because of the lobbying of the abortion industry.

And make no mistake, abortion is a multi-billion dollar a year industry.

They will stop at nothing to try to legitimize the butchering of children.

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